What Apple's 2018 iOS firmware update means for Arrow GNSS users GPS GIS Eos Tools Pro

What Apple’s 2018 iOS® Firmware Update Means for Arrow GNSS Users

Apple iOS® Firmware Update for Arrow: Everything You Need to Know

This month, Eos Positioning Systems® (Eos) would like to clarify and remove some confusion regarding the firmware update messages regarding Eos Tools Pro for iOS. In this iOS firmware update for Arrow, there are two things you need to be aware of.

First, there are two types of firmware on the Arrow: the Bluetooth Communication firmware and the Arrow Series receiver engine firmware.

1. Bluetooth Communication Firmware

The Bluetooth communication firmware update pop-up looks like this:

iOS Firmware Update for Arrow

This update is done over the air by the app and takes care of communication and feature enhancements.

The second Arrow firmware is the GNSS receiver engine firmware …

2. GNSS Receiver Engine Firmware

The GNSS receiver engine firmware update currently adds Galileo and BeiDou support for the Arrow 100, Arrow 200 and Arrow Gold. This firmware, for the time being, is done manually and requires you to contact our tech support to get the files and update procedure.

iOS Firmware Update for Arrow


Firmware versions can be verified in the “About” menu of Eos Tools Pro.