Skadi Tilt Compensation for GIS users mapping assets with a range pole, requires Skadi Series GNSS receiver from Eos Positioning Systems

Skadi Tilt Compensation™

No More Leveling Your Survey Range Pole!

Skadi Tilt Compensation™ is the first tilt compensation solution available specifically for the GIS market. With this solution activated, field workers can trust their Skadi Series™ GNSS receiver to rectify errors introduced from tilted angles during data collection with a survey range pole. This extremely accurate feature introduces only about 0.3 millimeters (0.01 inches) of inaccuracy per degree of tilt. It is recommended for crews who use range poles, require centimeter-level (RTK) accuracy, and want to eliminate time spent leveling their poles on each point. Skadi Tilt Compensation is available as an optional upgrade for the Skadi 200™, Skadi 300™, and Skadi Gold™.

Tilt Compensation for Skadi Series High-Accuracy GNSS Receivers from Eos Positioning Systems

At a Glance: Skadi Tilt Compensation

Increase Productivity

With Skadi Tilt Compensation, your field crews no longer need to level their range poles before collecting a point, thereby increasing speed of data collection.

Retain RTK-Level Accuracy

Skadi Tilt Compensation introduces only about 0.3 mm (0.01 inches) of accuracy per degree of tilt.

Focus On What Matters

With one less thing to think about, your field crews can finally focus on what matters: their data collection, without having to remember to bubble up!

Which Skadi Series™ GNSS Receivers Support Skadi Tilt Compensation?

Skadi 200™

The dual-frequency Skadi 200™ with SafeRTK® is our entry-level RTK GNSS receiver for those wishing to take advantage of the Skadi Tilt Compensation.

Learn about the Skadi 200 >

Skadi 300™

The Skadi 300™ is our robust mid-level RTK receiver in the Skadi Series™ and features a triple-frequency GNSS receiver, and many more features for enhanced field productivity.

Learn about the Skadi 300 >

Skadi Gold™

The Skadi Gold™ is our most robust RTK GNSS receiver in the Skadi Series™. With all the features of the Skadi 300, the Skadi Gold also features support for Galileo HAS.

Learn about the Skadi Gold >

How Skadi Tilt Compensation Works

Certain Skadi Series™ GNSS receiver models may be activated with Skadi Tilt Compensation. These models include the Skadi 200, Skadi 300, and Skadi Gold. Once Skadi Tilt Compensation is activated, you then must mount your Skadi receiver to a range pole. Next, follow instructions in Eos Tools Pro to initiate the tilt. Keep in mind that for every degree of tilt, there will be an added estimated horizontal inaccuracy of approximately 0.3 mm (0.01 inches). Skadi Tilt Compensation is a lifetime activation associated with your Skadi GNSS receiver’s unique serial number.

Tilt Compensation for Skadi Series High-Accuracy GNSS Receivers from Eos Positioning Systems

How to Activate Skadi Tilt Compensation:

1) Purchase an Activation

Contact Eos to activate Skadi Tilt Compensation on your Skadi 200, Skadi 300, or Skadi Gold GNSS receiver.

Contact Eos >

2) Mount to a Range Pole

Mount your Skadi Series GNSS receiver to a survey range pole. We recommend the four-section two-meter range pole from Eos.

View the Popular 2m Range Pole >

3) Initiate in Eos Tools Pro

Launch Eos Tools Pro and follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the tilt compensation. After this step, you may collect data without leveling up!

Get Eos Tools Pro >

The Online User Manual

View the Online User Manual

Would you like more detail on how Skadi Tilt Compensation works? Review our step-by-step walkthrough of setting it up and using it with your Skadi GNSS Receiver. You can also download a PDF version and print a hard copy.

See the User Manual >

Images from the Field: Skadi Tilt Compensation