Eos Arrow February 2017 Newsletter- RTK Base Stations Eos Arrow GPS GIS GNSS

February 2017 Newsletter: RTK Base Stations

Shown here are some tools used to set up an Arrow Gold into a base station.

How can you set up your own RTK base station? 

And in the first place, why would you want to? In this article, Eos staff explain why setting up your own RTK base station could save you thousands of dollars in annual user fees. In addition, you’ll learn how to create your own RTK network by taking advantage of the location accuracy of GPS / GNSS receivers like Arrow, so you can avoid costly, per-user annual fees associated with accessing RTK networks.

To learn how to set up your own high-accuracy RTK base station, and why you’d want to, read the full feature article from the February 2017 Eos newsletter.

Al’s Corner – Technical Tips

89bb5af5 5bdd 4330 bef6 9fdcdfc5f447Hi… My name is Alvaro and I am the Technical Support Manager at Eos Positioning Systems. I am inviting you to visit our Learning Center on our web site for useful technical information, how-to’s and video tutorials. This section will be updated regularly with new material. Any question? please do not hesitate to contact our technical support center.

This month I am inviting you to take our Eos Server software for a test drive and setup your own base station. Eos Server runs in demo mode, with full functionality, for one hour at a time.

Tutorial Video

Using your Arrow Receiver with AmigoCloud on iOS®


Configuring Esri’s ArcGIS Collector 10.4 on Windows with your Arrow

This “how-to” document highlights the major steps involved in configuring Esri Collector 10.4 for Windows to work flawlessly with our Arrow series receivers: Configuring Esri’s Collector 10.4 on Windows.

Eos Latest News from the Eos February 2017 Issue

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