Eos Esri Water cobrand booth 2019-08-27 10.32.58

2017 Esri Water Meetup: American Water Session

Esri Water Meetup Webinar

Esri Water Meetup Webinar

  • August 17, 2017 at 9:00
  • FREE Online Webinar

You must REGISTER to attend webinar

In this webinar Indiana American Water will share their GIS story. How GIS went from a technology that many staff didn’t understand and didn’t want to use to a resource that they are asking for.

Join us to hear how Randy Winston, Senior GIS Technician, is using ArcGIS Collector to help staff across the state of Indiana understand how useful GIS can be.

Find out how the perception of GIS has been greatly improved and lead to:

• Faster workflows
• More accurate data
• Happier staff

You must REGISTER to attend webinar

*Live webinar is scheduled in Pacific Time.