Esri UC Eos booth 2018

2018 Esri UC: Releasing Laser Mapping

Eos, Esri and Laser Technology Announced the Release of the World’s 1st Laser Offset for ArcGIS Collector at the 2018 Esri UC

Did you grab a demo of the “World’s First Laser Offset for ArcGIS Collector” at the 2018 Esri UC? If you weren’t able to make it, or couldn’t squeeze into one of the many standing-room-only sessions revealing the survey-grade, laser-mapping GIS workflow, we’ve got you covered! Here is everything you need to know about the Collector-centric, high-accuracy laser offset workflow announced at last month’s UC.

Eos Positioning Systems logo full color
Laser Tech Logo e1537918065592
LOGO - ESRI silver partner network - horizontal

The Eos Booth was Constantly Packed With Early Adopters Ready to Test Total Station Workflows in ArcGIS Collector!

Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth
A crowd gathers at the Eos booth as the team prepares for another laser offset demo
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth Kurt Towler testing laser GIS
Kurt Towler tries out the True Pulse 200x with the Collector / iPad / Eos Arrow Gold rangepole setup
Eos staff show Speaking of GIS founder and long-time GIS early adopter Kurt Towler how the laser GIS solution works in Collector
Eos staff show Speaking of GIS founder and long-time GIS early adopter Kurt Towler how the laser GIS solution works in Collector
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth testing laser mapping from San Diego
Eos staff take Laser GIS outside for one-on-one demos

“Standing Room Only” was a Common Theme All Week Long

Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Jeff Shaner presentation
A view from the front: Esri's Jeff Shaner presents Eos / Esri / LTI workflows to a completely packed room
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Presentation
Esri Collector for ArcGIS Team Mates Kevin Burke and Morgan Zhang present a Laser GIS offset demo to a packed room
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eric Gakstatter
Eric Gakstatter of DMG presents golf course mapping with Laser GIS to a packed Demo Theater
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Laser GIS presentation from Ismael Chivite and Doug Morgenthaler
Esri's Ismael Chivite prepares his Laser GIS slides for a packed Demo Theater mid-week
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Derrick Reish speaking about Laser GIS
LTI's Derrick Reish describes the field hazards that commonly created challenges to accurate positioning, prior to the Laser GIS release for Collector
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Jean-Yves Lauture speaking'
Eos CTO Jean-Yves Lauture announces Laser GIS to a private event during Monday lunch
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Randy Winston presentation
Randy Winston of Indiana American Water — a very early adopter of high-accuracy mobile GIS — presents his organization's Eos / Esri workflows
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Rich Ash Esri UC presentation
"Are You Catching This?" Rich is amazed to find another high-accuracy session is standing-room only

Here is what the Twitter-verse had to say about Laser Mapping Release at the 2018 Esri UC


The Brains Behind Laser Mapping Share the Crowd’s Excitement

Laser Offset for Collector for ArcGIS Jeff Shaner Esri apps

“Esri is extremely pleased that Collector can now support the capture of high-accuracy asset locations from afar. This is a game changer for asset management.”
— Jeff Shaner, Product Manager, Esri

Derrick Reish LTI

“This eliminates the need for physically occupying every point. It also provides more accurate location data, with a more affordable mobile asset-management workflows.”
— Derrick Reish, Sr. Product Manager, Laser Technology Inc.

Jean-Yves Lauture CTO Eos Positioning Systems

“Enabling this kind of accuracy means even the most budget-conscious field crews will be able to access the location of their hard-to-reach assets.”
— Jean-Yves Lauture, CTO, Eos Positioning Systems

Eos would also like to take this time to thank the countless partners, customers, and peers who made the 2018 Esri UC the best one yet

Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Presentation
Another packed house captures summary information from the Collector team's demonstration of high-accuracy mobile workflows with Eos GNSS receivers
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS talking about GNSS
True to form, Eos technical prodigy Tyler Gakstatter sits down for quality one-on-one technical training with an event attendee
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Esri Canada night
Eos meets old friends: Alia Kotb from Esri Canada (center) and Alec Pestov from Eos Partner vGIS
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS demonstrating AGOL
The Eos team prepares an Operations Dashboard to collect data from real-time Laser GIS demos
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Jack plenary session user work
Eos is proud and humbled to have our customers' work featured for 5th time in Jack's plenary slides this year
Matt Alexander answers questions about GNSS and Eos Tools Pro
Matt Alexander answers questions about GNSS and Eos Tools Pro
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Jack Dangermond in the Eos booth
Eos was lucky to be graced by a cameo from Jack in our own booth!
Esri User Conference Eos Positioning Systems Booth EsriUC UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Talking
Isaiah and David show Laser GIS to a conference attendee

Eos would like to thank Esri for the opportunity to be a Bronze Sponsor this year

Wall of sponsors at Esri UC User Conference 2018
2018 Eos Positioning Systems booth at the 2018 Esri User Conference
Sponsors of State and Local Government User Group Esri User Conference UC
Sponsors of Petroleum User Group Esri User Conference UC
Sponsors of State and GeoConX Community Meeting Esri User Conference UC

It was also a privilege to sponsor the Pre-UC Engineering Summit!

Engineering Summit at Esri UC User Conference engineering Eos Positioning Systems sponsor Danny Spillman
Engineering SUmmit at Esri UC User Conference engineering Eos Positioning Systems sponsor

Finally, Eos was HUMBLED by the amazing turnout at our annual hosted, customer appreciation lunch with DMG!

Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth customer and partner appreciation lunch\
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth customer and partner appreciation lunch
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth customer and partner appreciation lunch
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth customer and partner appreciation lunch
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth customer and partner appreciation lunch
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth customer and partner appreciation lunch
Esri User Conference UC GIS ArcGIS GPS Eos Positioning Systems Booth customer and partner appreciation lunch

Thank You once again to all our partners, customers, colleagues, GNSS enthusiasts, and especially Esri!

Thank you to Esri for putting on another impressive User Conference! From event marketing and industry teams to our peers in product and sales, we were truly impressed once again! We would also like to thank, in no particular order, other partners and peers including Esri Canada, Laser Technology, vGIS, GPS World, DMG, GeoMobile Innovations, Speaking of GIS, and countless others. Each of you made the laser mapping release at the 2018 Esri UC a reality.

We look forward to continuing the momentum through 2018 and beyond!

Esri UC Eos booth 2018