Using Galileo HAS with the Arrow Gold+ GNSS receiver in the Galápagos archipelago to study the ecological impact of the reintroduction of tortoises on Santa Fe Island
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January 2024 Newsletter: Technology Evolves! Using Galileo HAS in Galápagos Islands 🐢

Feature Story

/// Ecologists Achieves High Accuracy in the Galápagos Islands with New Galileo High Accuracy Service

ArcGIS Field Maps, ground control points, Arrow Gold+ GNSS receiver, Galileo HAS, Galápagos Islands

Species aren’t the only things evolving in the Galápagos Islands. Technology just took a massive leap forward too.

Ecologist Charles Lehnen recently set out to capture comprehensive drone imagery of Santa Fe Island in the archipelago made famous by Charles Darwin. To geo-reference his imagery, he used an Arrow Gold+ GNSS receiver connected to the world’s newest global GNSS correction source, Galileo High Accuracy Service.

Learn how Lehnen will use cutting-edge technology to study the island’s ecology!

See the Groundbreaking Work >

Industry News

Sheboygan Falls Utilities Simplifies Electric Asset Management with GNSS

Screenshot: Set datum transformation ArcGIS Field Maps from Arrow Gold+ GNSS, NAD 83 CSRS

High-accuracy mobile data collection in NAD83 CSRS
Story by Tristan Gingras-Hill, Esri Canada

Follow along as Tristan Gingras-Hill describes two methods to prepare maps to receive high-accuracy locations from an Arrow Gold GNSS receiver. The workflow used for the example datum (Canada’s NAD83 CSRS) can be extrapolated for field work anywhere.

Dig into Datums! >

Jean-Yves Lauture, CTO, Eos Positioning Systems, headquarters Canada 2024

Galileo HAS will be the most significant game-changer for mobile GIS users

Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) fills a crucial gap left by SBAS and RTK, according to Eos Positioning Systems CTO Jean-Yves Lauture. Discover why Lauture thinks Galileo HAS will challenge all expectations for GNSS corrections in this 2024 predictions article for MyCoordinates.

Why is GalHAS a Game Changer? >

Al’s Corner: Technical Tips

Current GNSS Satellite Status for January 26, 2024:

2024-01-26 GNSS constellation status update Eos Positioning Systems

Customer Spotlight

David Malm in Eos Positioning Systems booth, 2023 Esri UC, Bolton & Menk

Customer Spotlight: Revisiting David Malm at the 2023 Esri UC

When David Malm of Bolton & Menk visited the Eos Positioning Systems booth at the 2023 Esri UC, we knew we had to ask about his current projects! Hear why David loves solving problems with GIS.

Get to David Malm >

Upcoming Events

Eos Positioning Systems at Carrefour de l'eau 2024

Carrefour des Gestions Locales de l’Eau 2024
Du 31 jan. au le 1 févr. | Rennes, France

Serez-vous au congrès annuel des professionnels de l’eau ? Visitez Eos et Esri France dans le hall 8, kiosque 578.

Visitez-nous à Rennes >

Geo Week 2024 in Denver, Colorado with Eos Positioning Systems

Geo Week
Feb. 11-13 | Denver, Colorado

Super-what? Chiefs and 49ers fans alike are welcome in Eos booth #826 at Geo Week. On Feb. 13 at 2pm, don’t miss our golf-course as-built session covering RTK, drones, LiDAR, and more!

Find Eos in Denver >

Esri FedGIS Conference 2024 with Bronze Sponsor Eos Positioning Systems

Esri Fed GIS
Feb. 13-14 | Washington, D.C.

If you’re looking for a valentine this year, Eos Positioning Systems has a GNSS receiver you’re sure to swipe right on! Find us in booth #416 to discover the GNSS receiver you’ll fall in love with.

Find Eos in Washington D.C. >

Los Angeles Geospatial Summit 2024 with Eos Positioning Systems

Los Angeles Geospatial Summit
February 23 | Los Angeles, California

Eos is back with Eclipse Mapping and the USC! Find our booth, and attend the must-see session, “High-Accuracy GNSS in California is Changing.”

Find Eos in L.A. >