How to fix the Bluetooth® disconnection bug in iOS 12.2_12.3 GNSS GPS GIS Apple

How to fix the Bluetooth® Disconnection Bug in iOS® 12.2/12.3

Last updated May 28, 2019


Some of our customers are experiencing a Bluetooth® disconnection with their Arrow Series® GNSS receivers after upgrading to iOS® v.12.2/12.3. Apple has been made aware of this bug. In the meantime, Eos is able to release a permanent patch/update to fix the problem.

The Patch: Eos has released firmware and software updates to patch the Apple iOS 12.2/12.3 issue

As mentioned last month in our last newsletter, a few of our customers have experienced Bluetooth disconnection issues after updating their iOS version to 12.2, and recently to 12.3. Apple has been made aware of this bug. In the meantime, Eos is able to release a permanent patch/update to fix the problem.

Following are the steps required to update your Arrow and Eos Tools Pro to the latest firmware and software:

  • Update Eos Tools Pro to the latest version available on the App Store: Version 1.76 (Build 207)
  • After pairing your Arrow to your iOS device, launch Eos Tools Pro and you should be prompted to update the receiver’s communication firmware. Accept the update and wait for completion. Your Arrow Bluetooth Firmware should now show 2.2.885.

Your Info (About) menu should look like the screenshot below.

How to update your Bluetooth firmware in Eos Tools Pro from Eos Positioning Systems; shown here is your Bluetooth firmware screen

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