Bluetooth®- How to pair Arrow GNSS receivers to iOS devices Feature GPS GIS connect, iPad, iPhone, tutorial video

Bluetooth®: How to Pair Arrow GNSS Receivers to iOS® Devices

How to Pair Arrow Series® Receivers with iOS® Devices via Bluetooth®


Are you ready to collect high-accuracy data in the field via Bluetooth®? This video — “How to Pair Arrow GNSS Receivers with iOS Devices via Bluetooth®” — walks you through how to pair your Arrow receiver with any iOS device using Bluetooth®. To get started, just follow along with this video tutorial. You’ll need your iPhone® or iPad® and Arrow receiver.

Eos Positioning Systems video tutorial


Eos Positioning Systems® here, with a tutorial video to show you how simple it is to connect any of our Arrow receivers to an iOS device — such as an iPhone or an iPad.

As you can see, if we open our Eos Tools Pro app here, our connection is not established yet to our receiver. So we’re just going to hit the “home” button and switch back over, to set up the Bluetooth®  connection.

It’s as simple as going into your settings, opening your Bluetooth®, and turning it on. They’ll search for the nearest Arrow receiver that you have.

Here we have an Arrow 200 that we’re going to use for our test model, so if you tap on that “Arrow 200,” it will establish our Bluetooth® connection.

Now you can see that we are connected, and if we hit our home button, and we go back to our Eos Tools Pro app here, we can see we are now receiving our information from the Eos receiver, the Arrow 200. You can see our latitude and longitude and our height. And then the H-RMS, in the center left there, is our estimated horizontal accuracy. The V-RMS is our estimated vertical accuracy. You can see at the bottom left, the number of satellites in view and the number of satellites being utilized by our Arrow receiver at this moment. You can also see our DIF status, there, is set to “DGPS” which is “differential GPS” — meaning that we are receiving SBAS corrections (or WAAS) from the SBAS satellites over North America. You can see our diff[erential] age will usually run between four and seven seconds, as it receives a new set of corrections from the SBAS satellites.

It’s as simple as that, and we also have other tutorial videos on our website.

Thank you very much.

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