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Testing Galileo HAS in Phase 1: Accuracy and Convergence with the Eos Arrow Gold+™ GNSS Receiver

Testing Galileo HAS in Phase 1 - Accuracy and Convergence with the Eos Arrow Gold+ GNSS Receiver

In this video, we’ll test Galileo HAS’s accuracy and convergence time in Phase 1 with the Eos Arrow Gold+ GNSS receiver.

High-Accuracy Mapping with Galileo HAS and the Arrow Gold+ [A 2023 Galileo HAS Days Presentation]

Eos Positioning Systems Presents at the 2023 Galileo HAS Days Event on the Eos Arrow Gold+ with Galileo HAS for High-Accuracy Applications

In this recorded session among thought leaders, Eos CTO Jean-Yves Lauture shares his team’s initial results from testing Galileo HAS with an Arrow Gold+ GNSS receiver around the world.

How to Test the Accuracy of Your GNSS Receiver with a Survey Monument: Video Demonstration

How to Test Your Accuracy with a Survey Monument Feature Image

Learn how to verify your GNSS receiver’s performance by using a survey monument in this video.

Video Tutorial: How to Configure Orthometric Height in Eos Tools Pro

How to Configure Orthometric Height in Eos Tools Pro, GPS GIS GNSS Video Tutorial

This quick video shows you how to configure elevation (orthometric vs. ellipsoidal) output in Eos Tools Pro, including a complete list of currently available GEOID models by region.

Five Resources to Get You Started with External Bluetooth® GPS Receivers

Five Resources to Get You Started with External Bluetooth® GPS Receivers GNSS GIS Eos Arrow

Want to use external Bluetooth® GPS receivers in your work, but not sure where to start? Eos has compiled five resources to help you get started on your journey.

Esri France 2021 Session: Network Detection and Mapping – Eos Locate™ and ArcGIS Field Maps

SIG 2021 Session - Network Detection and Mapping - Eos Locate™ and ArcGIS Field Maps

Dans cette présentation, nous vous proposons également une démo et discussions autour de la solution/workflow : Eos Locate™ en lien avec ArcGIS Field Maps.

Get to Know CartoPac and Eos

Eos and Cartopac Partner Video GPS GIS GNSS data collection utilities

Got CartoPac and GPS? CartoPac and Eos have partnered to bring a complete high-accuracy mobile data-collection solution to customers in gas, utility, and related industries.

Field Demonstration: 3 Eos Laser Mapping Methods

Eos Arrow Laser Mapping GNSS GPS GIS Esri ArcGIS

In these videos, we demonstrate data capture using 3 Eos Laser Mapping methods: Range-Azimuth, Range-Backsight, and Range-Range.

Eos Laser Mapping: Choose Your GPS Workflow!

Eos Laser Mapping Choose Your GPS Workflow Laser Tech LTI, Arrow, GNSS, GIS, Laser, Mapping, Mobile, Offset, Sideshot GIS GNSS

With Eos Laser Mapping you have three standard workflows to choose from. This article shows you video and best uses for each setup.

4 Free GPS Training Workshops: Start-to-Finish Training


Eos Positioning Systems was pleased to offer 4 live GPS training workshops for various ArcGIS apps. Contact Eos to request a recording.