What is Required to Use Skadi Tilt Compensation by Eos Positioning Systems for Skadi 200, Skadi 300, and Skadi Gold GNSS receivers

What is Required to Use Skadi Tilt Compensation™?: Video

This video explains the hardware, software, and related items needed to enable Skadi Tilt Compensation™. Skadi Tilt Compensation allows you to obtain accurate GNSS locations without leveling your surveying range pole; this makes field work faster and more efficient. Skadi Tilt Compensation may be used with a Skadi 200, Skadi 300, or Skadi Gold GNSS receiver from Eos Positioning Systems®.

Watch the video to learn about required components, including mounting equipment, RTK corrections, and activation details. Or follow along with the transcript below!


Hardware Requirements

You’ll need five pieces of hardware:

  1. A Skadi 200, Skadi 300, or Skadi Gold GNSS receiver
  2. A surveying range pole
  3. The Skadi Pole Mounting Cradle Assembly
  4. An iOS®, Android, or Windows® mobile device
  5. A pole-mounting bracket to mount your mobile device to your range pole

Software Requirements

Download Eos Tools Pro for free

You’ll need the Eos Tools Pro app installed on your mobile device. Download from all major app stores for free.

Log in to an RTK corrections source for high-accuracy positions

You’ll also need a login to an RTK corrections provider. This could be a private or public RTK network or base station.

Skadi Tilt Compensation Activation Enabled

Finally, you’ll need a Skadi Tilt Compensation activation. Activations may be purchased through your Eos representative at any time during or after your Skadi RTK receiver purchase.

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Skadi Tilt Compensation™: User Manual

This manual guides you through the steps to enable, initialize, and begin using Skadi Tilt Compensation™. Requires a Skadi Tilt Compensation activation.

Skadi Tilt Compensation™

Skadi Tilt Compensation™ is the first tilt compensation solution specifically for the GIS market. With this solution activated, field workers can rectify errors introduced from tilted angles during data collection with a survey range pole. This extremely accurate feature introduces only about 0.3 millimeters (0.01 inches) of inaccuracy per degree of tilt. It is recommended for crews who use range poles, require centimeter-level (RTK) accuracy, and want to eliminate time spent leveling their poles on each point. Skadi Tilt Compensation is available as an optional upgrade for the Skadi 200™, Skadi 300™, and Skadi Gold™.