Mapping Topic: Mock Location

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Configuring Mock Location on Android With Your Arrow GNSS Receiver


Mock Location is available in the “hidden” Developer Mode menu on your Android device. Here is how to enable it:

How to Use Multiple ArcGIS Apps on Android Concurrently with Arrow

(Android) How to use Multiple Esri Mobile Apps Concurrently TCP IP Protocol Survey123 QuickCapture Field Maps ArcGIS

Run multiple Esri mobile apps on Android while concurrently consuming Arrow GNSS location metadata. This guide will show you how (for Android only).

ArcGIS Collector: How to Configure Collector on Android with Arrow GNSS

ArcGIS Collector - How to configure Collector on Android with Arrow GNSS GPS GIS Esri video iPad mobile mapping

This video walks you through each step of configuring Esri ArcGIS Collector with Arrow Series® GNSS receiver and Eos Tools Pro for Android.

How to Enable Mock Location on Android with Eos Tool Pro


Enabling mock location on Android lets you use location-aware apps with Arrow GNSS locations. In this article, we’ll show you how to enable mock locations.