2022 Esri User Conference GNSS GPS presentations at Esri UC
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Five Customer Presentations to Feature Arrow Series® GNSS Receivers at the 2022 Esri User Conference

Learn How Arrow Series® GNSS Receivers Work with ArcGIS® Apps by Attending These Five User Presentations in San Diego, California

MONTREAL, JUNE 25, 2022 — Eos Positioning Systems®, Inc., (Eos) the global leader in GNSS receiver design and manufacture and an Esri Partner Network Gold Partner, today announced that five of its customers will be presenting at the 2022 Esri User Conference (Esri UC).

“We are extremely humbled that so many of our joint customers with Esri are presenting at the Esri UC,” Eos Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Jean-Yves Lauture said. “Demand for high-accuracy mobile mapping has increased since the COVID-19 pandemic started, and we are excited for GIS professionals to share what they have been able to accomplish these past years.”

The five user presentations will take place from July 12-14, 2022, in San Diego, California. They are presented below in chronological order, including where and when to attend for those registered for the conference.

1. ArcGIS: Empowering Small and Rural Systems

  • Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2022
  • Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM PDT
  • Location: San Diego Convention Center (SDCC) Room 24 C
  • Speaker: Dave Babicki, Jonah Water Special Utility District
  • Speaker Order: Paper 1
  • Paper 1 Presentation Title: Expanding a Small Water Utility Using High-Accuracy GNSS with ArcGIS Field Maps
  • Paper 1 Abstract: When a water main leaks, accurate asset locations are key to an efficient repair. Digging in the wrong location can increase costs greatly, delay water services, and even cause further damages. As Jonah Water Special Utility District grew from a rural, small water system to a mid-sized system, the need for high-accuracy maps of their water system became clear. The water utility decided to use a mobile GIS workflow by deploying digital web maps on their tablets. By using ArcGIS Field Maps, an Eos Arrow Gold GNSS receiver, and setting up their own RTK base station, they are now able to pinpoint leak locations with maximum efficiency. In this presentation, you’ll learn what best practices they learned in deploying this kind of digital, highly accurate mapping system for leak mitigation. See how accurate GIS data allows for quicker repairs, informs decision-making, and promotes collaboration between departments.

2. Data Collection, UAS, and Augmented Reality

  • Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2022
  • Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT
  • Location: SDCC Room 24 C
  • Speaker: Chris Kahn, Director Geospatial Services, American Water
  • Speaker Order: Paper 1
  • Paper 1 Presentation Title: Augmented Reality GIS – An American Water Case Study
  • Paper 1 Abstract: American Water, following the launch of an aggressive GNSS campaign to update 55,000+ miles of main, along with over 5 million asset locations, first began scouring the Esri partner network for Augmented (Mixed) Reality vendors in 2014. The company knew that, before long, advanced visualization of its millions of precisely located, complex underground environments would become an invaluable tool. In 2021, American Water chose the site of a new $40M distribution center construction project to test the benefits of AR to its asset management program. Working with vGIS, an award winning Esri Augmented Reality partner, and Eos Positioning Systems (award winning Esri GNSS partner), American Water created mixed reality as-built documentation of trenchwork and buildings, complete with Lidar scans. The company sees tremendous value in expanding the use of AR to capture & visually scans of thousands of exposed pipe segments annually (repairs, replacements, extensions), which will enhance work site safety while also improving efficiency by presenting frontline workers with invaluable visualization tools.

3. Transforming Gas Utilities

  • Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2022
  • Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PDT
  • Location: SDCC Room 26 B
  • Speaker: Mathew Desbiens, GIS Manager, Apex Utilities
  • Speaker Order: Paper 1
  • Paper 1 Presentation Title: Material Tracking and Traceability – Capturing As-builts with GNSS
  • Paper 1 Abstract: This presentation will review the implementation and development of Apex Utilities Material Tracking and Traceability project. Since 2019, Apex Utilities has been capturing as-builts using ASTM f2897 material tracking and traceability barcodes with real-time GNSS capable GPS hardware. The project review includes project drivers, solutions explored and tested, implementation strategy, metrics used to measure project benefits and lessons learned.

4. GIS: The Foundation for 3D Visualization in AEC

  • Date: Thursday, July 14, 2022
  • Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM PDT
  • Location: SDCC – Room 27 B
  • Speaker: Eric Gakstatter, Discovery Management Group
  • Speaker Order: Paper 1
  • Paper 1 Presentation Title: Using High-Accuracy RTK GNSS and RTK Drone to Produce a 3D Golf Course As-Built
  • Paper 1 Abstract: AEC work has always been about describing location, examining data, and telling a story. As ArcGIS users, we’re fortunate to be able to enhance our storytelling of GIS data in ways that weren’t possible before. While 2D will always enable us to create compelling stories about location, 3D and emerging interactive technologies are now enabling us to bring our data to a wider audience. This session will explore multiple projects using the wide range of Esri’s solutions to deliver 3D visualization in AEC.

5. Transforming Campus Facility Management with GIS

  • Date: Thursday, July 14, 2022
  • Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PDT
  • Location: SDCC – Room 28 C
  • Speaker: Benson Crowell, Texas Health and Human Services
  • Speaker Order: Paper 2
  • Paper 2 Presentation Title: Site Plans – ArcGIS Meets AutoCAD
  • Paper 2 Abstract: In architecture we draw to build but those drawings are never really what gets built and even if they are close to complete and accurate and if they by chance are close, they usually are never kept up to date by the facilities group that is tasked at maintaining the final product. Currently we are finishing a product for the State of Texas where we are using available imagery and Lidar to give us backgrounds processed in ArcGIS for contours, tree drip lines, and surface data. Each campus also has survey grade build corners integrating into the final plan to ensure that the campus has accurate vertical monuments to use to locate additional surface information. While putting together these plans, we discovered that it was sometime difficult to draw over surface imagery to show roads, sidewalks, parking, and even buildings. While looking for a better solution we discovered drone site plans. Having the increase capability is great but what is really great is that by doing a new drone flight each time there are changes to the surface features we have a new and complete site plan that does not need any additional CAD drafting.

Learn more about Eos’ presence at the 2022 Esri UC by visiting this webpage.

Please note, a sixth user presentation came to Eos’ attention after this press release was originally published. Please find details of this sixth session below:

6. Gas Utility Solutions

  • Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2022
  • Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM PDT
  • Location: SDCC Room 26 C
  • Speaker: Damon Nelton, Data Manager, Ellingson Companies
  • Speaker Order: Paper 2
  • Paper 2 Presentation Title: Efficiently Capturing High Accuracy New Pipe Construction
  • Paper 2 Abstract: This session addresses how one gas utility implemented ArcGIS Utility Network to support gas operations through the full outage and restoration management lifecycle. Another explores how a customer leveraged Esri’s mobile applications, the Utility and Pipeline Data Model, and attribute rules to capture at high accuracy new pipe construction, and at the same time improve the productivity of the field technicians documenting the new construction. From Speaker Damon Nelton: “In 2019 our GIS team was challenged by our client to address the long-standing issues of inaccurate maps, safety and production efficiency when installing and documenting new gas pipe construction. Leveraging Esri’s mobile applications, the Utility Pipeline Data Model (UPDM), and attribute rules we were able to capture the new pipe construction to within 0.25 inches of its true location, and at the same time improve the productivity of the field technicians documenting the new construction. Come and learn how we developed this solution, overcame obstacles, and collaborated with the GIS community with new Esri workflows using Collector (now Field Maps), Survey123, high accuracy GNNS receivers, barcode scanning, tracking and traceability workflows with enterprise geodatabases and attribute rules, dynamic PDF customer reports, web-apps, dashboards, and portal-to-portal collaborations. The amazing results of real time data sharing and digital as-builts not only met our client’s needs but gave us data that has never been more accurate and current, allowing for future underground stakeholders to make and plan safe informed decisions.”

About Eos Positioning Systems, Inc.

Eos Positioning Systems®, Inc., (Eos) designs and manufactures the world’s premier, high-accuracy GPS / GNSS receivers for the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) market. The Arrow Series® GNSS receivers provide submeter, subfoot and centimeter RTK GPS / GNSS locations to any iOS®, Android, Windows, and Windows devices. Free Eos software utilities, such as Eos Tools Pro, were designed to provide users with the smoothest experience of integrating high-accuracy location data and metadata into their mobile workflows. Eos Positioning Systems is an Esri Gold Partner. Learn more at www.eos-gnss.com.