Eos Arrow GNSS GIS GPS Survey-Grade Accuracy in Esri's ArcGIS Survey123

May 2021 Newsletter: Need Survey-Grade Accuracy in Survey123?

/// Arcadis: Transforming asset surveys on the railway

Arcadis ArcGIS Survey123 mapping Arrow GNSS receivers England UK live rail environment

In a ground-breaking project in the U.K., Arcadis used solutions from both Eos and Esri, including ArcGIS Survey123 with Arrow GNSS, to deliver a new way of capturing accurate electrical data in a live rail environment. They worked with their client to capture and share this data accurately, in real-time, and in a manner that allowed the data to be integrated with BIM — all in one seamless, automated digital workflow.

This story was republished with permission from Esri U.K.

See how Arcadis captured assets in a live rail environment!

Remapping-pipes-without-shovels-DeWitte-Coolidge-Esri Eos Locate GPS GNSS ArcGIS Field Maps

Remapping Pipes Without Shovels
By Tom DeWitte and Tom Coolidge, Esri

In this LinkedIn article, Esri’s Tom DeWitte and Tom Coolidge take on spatial accuracy for buried gas infrastructure. Learn from these two gas industry experts about the new options for remapping existing buried pipe without shovels — accurately and cost effectively.

5 Ways Water Utilities are Transforming Data Collection GPS GIS GNSS Esri ArcGIS Field Maps, ArcGIS Collector, Eos Tools Pro, Arrow

5 Ways Water Utilities are Transforming Data Collection with Bluetooth GNSS
By Eos Positioning Systems

Discover how five water utilities are saving time, cutting operational expenses, and improving the accuracy of their asset management systems by capturing survey-grade locations.

Colliers Engineering & Design maps water and wastewater assets using Arrow Gold and ArcGIS Field Maps in New Jersey

From Office to Field: GIS Workers Unite
By Alexis Eades, Colliers Engineering & Design

Dive into what it’s like to work as a team — from two completely different locations. In this interview from Eos customer Colliers Engineering & Design, GIS Specialist Amanda Paton and GIS Technician Tommy Allen explain on how they make real-time data sharing work from field to office.

Scott Denham Customer Spotlight - Wetlands GPS, GNSS, GIS ESI Ecobot app Esri partner

Scott Denham Navigates Wetlands with Mobile GNSS Solution

As a Wetlands Permitting Manager at ESI, Scott Denham knows that navigating remote areas requires staying mobile and keeping his hands free. To this end, Scott is always looking for the most portable, easy-to-use, and accurate mobile mapping technologies — like the Arrow GNSS receivers and Ecobot app he uses today. Get to know Scott, including how he continually raises the bar for high-accuracy data collection!

Get to know Scott Denham!

One workshop, two languages:

Survey-Grade Survey123: Workshop with Arrow GNSS and ArcGIS Survey123
Date: May 27, 9:30am-12pm PDT

Join Eos and Esri for a free virtual training event using Arrow GNSS receivers and ArcGIS Survey123. This workshop requires registration and includes live indoor and outdoor demonstrations. Be sure to download Survey123 in advance to participate in a fun, interactive exercise!

Register for the English version on May 27

Levantamiento de datos de alta precisión con ArcGIS Survey123 y un receptor Arrow GNSS
La fecha: 10 de junio, 12:30pm-3pm EDT

Inscríbase a este taller virtual gratuito, a cargo de los expertos de Eos Positioning Systems y Esri, para aprender a usar un receptor GNSS Arrow junto con la app para levantamiento basada en formularios de Esri, ArcGIS Survey123.

¡Regístrese para la versión en español del 10 de junio!