How to Enable and Initialize the Skadi Smart Handle

How to Enable and Initialize the Skadi Smart Handle™: Video

This video guides you through the steps to enable and initialize the Skadi Smart Handle™. The Skadi Smart Handle is an optional upgrade from the Skadi Standard Handle™ that provides two robust features: the Invisible Range Pole™ and Extensible Virtual Range Pole™. The smart handle may be used with a Skadi 200, Skadi 300, or Skadi Gold GNSS receiver from Eos Positioning Systems®. Learn the three methods to enable the Smart Handle and how to initialize the handle for use in the field.

Watch the video to learn how to enable and initialize your smart handle step-by-step. Or follow along with the transcript below!


This video will show you how to enable and initialize the Skadi Smart Handle.

Step 1: Enable the Skadi Smart Handle

Three methods to enable Skadi Smart Handle

There are three methods to enable your smart handle.

Toggle on the Skadi Smart Handle switch in Eos Tools Pro

To use the first method, open Eos Tools Pro and navigate to the Skadi Smart Handle settings. Toggle on the smart handle switch.

Press the power button on the Skadi receiver three times

Alternatively, to use the second method, triple-press the receiver power button to enable the smart handle.

Triple press the Skadi Smart Handle's trigger

Finally, to use the third method, triple-press the smart handle’s trigger.

Regardless of the method you use, your smart handle will vibrate to indicate it has been enabled.

Skadi Tilt LED Medium Blink Red

The “Tilt” LED on your Skadi GNSS receiver will also turn on and blink red at a medium speed.

Step 2: Acquire an RTK Fixed Position

Now that the Skadi Smart Handle is enabled, you must acquire an RTK fixed status.

Establish an RTK fixed position within Eos Tools Pro

To establish an RTK fixed status, open Eos Tools Pro, and enter your RTK login credentials as you normally would.

Call your Eos Positioning Systems representative for assistance

If you need help accessing an RTK source, contact your authorized Eos representative, and they can help.

Skadi Tilt LED Slow Blink Red

Once you have an RTK fixed status, your “Tilt” LED will start to blink at a much slower rate.

Step 3: Initialize the Skadi Smart Handle

Next you must initialize the smart handle.

Swing the Skadi Smart Handle in a wide motion to initialize

Initializing the smart handle requires a physical movement. Simply swing the handle in any wide motion or start walking at a moderate pace.

Tilt LED green

Once the smart handle is initialized, your “Tilt” LED will turn solid green.

Extensible Virtual Range Pole mode in Eos Tools Pro for Skadi Smart Handle

The Skadi Smart Handle always defaults to the Extensible Virtual Range Pole mode. This mode uses a visible green laser pointer.

Extensible Virtual Range Pole Green LED

Toggling Between Skadi Smart Handle Modes

The two modes of the smart handle are Extensible Virtual Range Pole and Invisible Range Pole.

Two method to toggle between modes

You may toggle between them by using two methods.

Toggle between modes in the Eos Tools Pro app using the Extensible or Invisible tabs

First, within the Eos Tools Pro app, tap either the “Extensible” or “Invisible” tab to choose your mode.

Triple press the trigger to toggle between modes

Alternatively, you may use the smart handle’s trigger. Simply triple-press the trigger to toggle between modes.

Insert the Skadi Smart Handle by sliding it into the empty Skadi GNSS receiver battery pack slot

Congratulations! You’re ready to use your smart handle.

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