September 15, 2016
In this article, we show you how to configure ArcGIS Collector with Arrow GNSS receivers on any Android smartphone or tablet.
September 9, 2016
One question we get asked is, “How do I know if my iPad/Android is using my Bluetooth GNSS receiver or the internal iPad/Android GNSS receiver?” Here's how.
August 30, 2016
Eos Tools Pro is the free iOS app that helps you monitor high-accuracy location in the field. See your DOP, RMS values, PDOP, and more in real time.
July 30, 2015
For iOS and Bluetooth™ to be useful together, an accessory (like the high-accuracy Arrow GNSS receiver) and a device (e.g., a tablet) must support in common one of Bluetooth's standard profiles.
January 1, 1970
This article shows you how to set up Eos Tools Pro to collect survey-grade orthometric heights in real time with ArcGIS Collector.