Eos Arrow GPS Newsletter Managing Construction with GNSS, UAVs & GIS
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April 2021 Newsletter: Managing Construction with GNSS, UAVs & GIS

/// Managing a construction site with UAVs, GNSS and web GIS

LaCima-showing-a-picture-attribute-from-a-point Drone imagery GPS GIS UAVs GIS ArcGIS Esri software maps

Recently, a large residential and commercial development project in Texas brought together imagery from drones (UAVs), accuracy from Arrow GNSS receivers, and spatial analysis from ArcGIS Online to facilitate the monitoring of new construction at the La Cima subdivision. The solution enabled reliable and near-real-time construction site monitoring, as well as the ability to share information with external stakeholders and even make measurements from the imagery.

Read what they did!

Flooding Midland County Video Case Study Feature Image, OHM Advisors, smart bike, GPS GNSS damage mapping

Midland County Maps Flood Damage w/ OHM’s GPS Smart Bike
MiCAMP Presentation by OHM Advisors

On May 18th, the Edenville and Sanford dams failed during heavy rain. In this presentation, Midland County and OHM Advisors discuss how they used their GPS Smart Bike with Arrow Gold GNSS, Esri ArcGIS, and ArcGIS QuickCapture to assess damage.

Watch Now or Read the Transcript

Configuring Mock Location on Android Eos Tools Pro

Configuring Mock Location on Android with your Arrow GNSS receiver
Eos how-to article

Mock Location must be enabled on your Android device for location-aware apps to access survey-grade Arrow GNSS positions. Mock Location is available in the “hidden” Developer Mode menu on your Android device. Here is how to enable it.

Enable Mock Location on Android

New drone regulations at night
Do you fly drones at night? Learn about the FAA’s new requirements  and how to request an authorization. Read more … 

Eos customer spotlight GNSS GIS

Michael Kolody Serves Clients with Cartographic Transformations

Michael Kolody is no stranger to maps. Captivated by cartography as a child, he turned his passion for people and places into a full-time career at Colliers Engineering & Design!

Get to know Mike!

Eos Locate-workshop-newsletter-feature ArcGIS underground utility mapping GPS 2021

Underground Utility Mapping Workshop (with live outdoor demonstration)
Date: Thurs, April 29 from 9:30am-12pm PDT

ICYMI: Tomorrow, join Eos and Esri for a free, one-time training workshop in underground utility mapping. Expert panelists from Eos, Esri and various locator brands will stay for extended Q&A.

Register today for the workshop!

NEOGEO Virtual Conference
Date: May 6

Eos is pleased to sponsor the 2021 virtual GeoTalks, hosted by Northeast Ohio GIS Symposium. Join us for the lunch session to learn about survey-grade mobile data collection with Arrow GNSS receivers. (You must be registered to attend.)

Register Here

S123 Workshop Website Feature ArcGIS Survey123 Spanish language workshop Esri Eos GPS GNSS SIG GIS

Survey-Grade 123: Workshop with Arrow GNSS and ArcGIS Survey123
Date: Thurs, May 27 from 9:30am-12pm PDT

Join Eos and Esri for our next workshop: a live training event in using high-accuracy Arrow GNSS receivers with Esri’s form-based data-collection app: ArcGIS Survey123. After educational overviews and live training demonstrations, our expert panel will stay fort extended Q&A.

Register for our May Workshop