Eos customer spotlight GNSS GIS David Gigliotti The DDS Companies

Customer Spotlight: David Gigliotti Sees Projects Come to Life

David Gigliotti of The DDS Companies uses his new GPS system for a wide variety of uses. From design and surveying to construction, David does it all! Recently, he used his vast experience to educate others on real-time, high accuracy GNSS data collection. Through his recent presentations at the Northeast Arc Users Group Conference (NEARC) and on the Eos website, David is sharing his expertise to help others achieve their GPS system goals, all while completing successful work for his company.

Keep reading to learn more about David, his work at The DDS Companies, and how he uses Eos Arrow GNSS receivers!

1. Why are you passionate about your job?

David Gigliotti in the field
David Gigliotti in the field

I have been in engineering and design for the majority of my professional career. Being a Project Manager in the Utility Engineering Division at The DDS Companies allows me to be involved in almost all phases of a project, from conception through construction and commissioning. This position allows me to work beyond the traditional design/engineer role and lead the development of the projects I am involved with.

The best part of my job is seeing a large group of people, both internal and external, work together to bring a project to a successful completion. I frequently get the opportunity to see these come to life while supporting the reliability of the energy infrastructure for the communities where my family and friends live.

2. How did you first find out about Eos Positioning Systems’ GNSS products?

While evaluating options to improve our process for field data collection and project development, I began looking into digital field maps and options for accurate location tracking and data collection. During this process, I tested multiple software and hardware configurations with mixed results. A colleague I had worked with in a previous role had recently undergone a similar evaluation and implemented Eos Arrow receivers across multiple fleets at his company. Based on his recommendation, I tested an Eos receiver myself and paired it with an Apple iPad® and ArcGIS Collector and was impressed with how well this suited our needs.

3. What do you use Arrow Series® GNSS receivers for?

Screenshot of some of The DDS Companies' data collected with Arrow Gold and ArcGIS Collector on iPad
Screenshot of some of The DDS Companies' data collected with Arrow Gold and ArcGIS Collector on iPad

I personally use the Arrow GNSS receivers for preliminary planning on natural gas pipelines and other utility infrastructure projects. With these receivers, and the setup I mentioned previously, I am able to have all of my project data available to me in the field, and we can collect point and line features for any proposed structures or existing entities I need, to avoid impacting. The DDS Companies also has several other crews that support our projects using similar setups for tasks such as environmental delineation, utility inspection, and various other field efforts.

4. Do you have a favorite experience or memory from your projects with Eos Arrow?

On a large project I was working on a few years ago, I was tasked with developing a plan to evaluate replacing 50 miles of an existing pipeline in upstate New York. The field evaluation for this project was one of the first projects on which I was able to use the Arrow Gold® GNSS receiver, and it involved multiple weeks in the field collecting data to evaluate the entirety of the existing pipeline corridor and all potential route alternatives. Riding side-by-side sport-utility vehicles through miles of a right-of-way in upstate New York — during the peak of fall foliage — on such a high-profile project is something I will not soon forget.

5. Do you have a favorite feature of Arrow GNSS receivers?

David with his tablet and Arrow Gold GNSS receiver
David with his tablet and Arrow Gold GNSS receiver

Yes, I really enjoy the 3-in-1 adapter that Eos has developed to attach their receiver right to the back of a tablet. This allows me to carry a light-weight and compact setup for my field efforts, as opposed to the pole-mounted system I initially implemented.

6. Is there anything we didn’t ask you that you’d like to share with us?

I cannot emphasize enough how extremely supportive Eos resellers have been in both the purchase and implementation of this technology at The DDS Companies. In my opinion, they have gone above and beyond to help with any technical issues we have encountered ensuring the success of our projects.

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