Eos Arrow December 2019 Newsletter- Top Stories of the Year GPS GNSS GIS

December 2019 Newsletter: Top Stories of the Year

Eos newsletter feature story
Eos Positioning Systems blog

10 Posts Our Reader Loved in 2019

Eos Positioning Systems would like to thank everyone who made 2019 another phenomenal year! This includes our wonderful customers, partners, distributors, associates and more! You truly made us feel like we have a network of friends worldwide.

To celebrate the upcoming new year (and new decade!), Eos will be counting down some of our top posts from 2019. Follow our Twitter handle (@EosGNSS) for daily updates until the New Year! Or — if you prefer browsing all at once — keep scrolling! To share the recap or read in your browser, click the button below.

Read the 2019 best posts in a browser!

Or scroll down to browse all ten…

Zoo mapping project
DDSI laser mapping case study
Futura Eos case study
Niagara Region data collection case study
Esri UC 2019 recap
Anchorage water utility case study data collection with Esri and Eos Arrow GNSS receivers
ArcGIS QuickCapture Arrow GNSS receiver case study
GEOID model conversions in Eos Tools Pro
Eos newsletter
DDSI laser mapping for utility locates at telecommunications sites with Eos Positioning Systems RTK laser mapping solution, ESRI Collector for ArcGIS, and Laser Technology Inc LTI TRUPULSE 200x rangefinder in Colorado

LTI Laser Rangefinders Play Essential Role in Delivering Faster Wireless Service

Directions Magazine
Case Study: It was DDSI’s job to deliver accurate surveying critical to moving the project forward.

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Thales Alenia Space to develop EGNOS version V242B

Shephard news
A new version of EGNOS (version V242B) will incorporate new advanced functionalities.

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China launches two MEO BeiDou-3 satellites

Tracy Cozzens, GPS World
China launched two satellites into space from the Sichuan Province at 8:55 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 23.

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Russia successfully launches Glonass-M satellite

Tracy Cozzens, GPS World
A new Glonass-M navigation satellite was launched Dec. 11 at 11:54 local time.

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Two new BeiDou satellites complete BDS-3 constellation

Tracy Cozzens, GPS World
China launched yet two more satellites at 15:22 on Dec. 16.

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Eos newsletter

Current GNSS Constellation Status:

GNSS constellation status December 2019 GPS Galileo BeiDou GLONASS
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Eos Newsletter July 2018: How to

Video Tutorial: How to Configure ArcGIS Collector on iOS® with Arrow GNSS

Recommended for: Anyone new to Eos, iOS users, Esri customers
What you’ll need to follow along: Arrow GNSS receiver (any model)Eos Tools Pro (free iOS download), Esri ArcGIS Collector, iPhone® or iPad®

Watch now …

Eos Server manual

PDF Guide: Eos Server Manual

Recommended for: Anyone who would like to set up an Arrow Gold GNSS receiver as a base station.
What you’ll need to follow along: Arrow GNSS receiver (Gold recommended), Eos Server (contact Eos for pricing), a Windows device

Download now …

Eos newsletter
Distributech event 2020 January

DistribuTECH 2020 (w/Esri) 
January 28-30
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
900 E Market St
San Antonio, TX 78205
Find Booth 2407 on the floor plan!