January 2022 Eos Arrow GNSS Newsletter - Using High-Accuracy GIS for Conservation to Save Endangered Sea Turtles
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January 2022 Newsletter: High-Accuracy “Map”tivists Save Sea Turtles

Feature Story

/// Sea Turtle Patrol Hilton Head Island Protects Endangered Hatchlings with High-Accuracy GIS

Sea Turtle Patrol Hilton Head Island - Sea Turtle Hatchlings on Beach

Even before they hatch, sea turtles face many dangers during their two-month incubation period on shore. Read how Sea Turtle Patrol Hilton Head Island uses Eos Arrow receivers with #ArcGISCollector to protect these endangered hatchlings and help them go home to the ocean!

Read their full story (originally published in Esri’s ArcWatch) >

Industry News

Five Resources to Get You Started with External Bluetooth® GPS Receivers GNSS GIS Eos Arrow

Five Resources to Get You Started with External Bluetooth® GPS Receivers

New year, new you! Start the year out strong with these five resources on high-accuracy data collection. With technical articles, educational videos, inspiring case studies, and more, this Eos knowledge base post will help you begin your GNSS journey.

Begin your GNSS Journey >

Al’s Corner: Technical Tips

How to Configure Orthometric Height in Eos Tools Pro, GPS GIS GNSS Video Tutorial

Video Tutorial: How to Configure Orthometric Height in Eos Tools Pro

This quick video shows you how to configure elevation heights in Eos Tools Pro. It also includes a complete list of currently available GEOID models by region/nation.

Get Up and Go. Watch the Video Now >

Eos Welcomes Global Mapper by Blue Marble Geographics in January

Eos is pleased to welcome Global Mapper to the Eos website as an official supported partner app.

Explore Global Mapper with Arrow GNSS >

Current GNSS constellation status for January 25, 2022:

GNSS constellation January 2022 GPS Galileo BeiDou GLONASS satellites

Customer Spotlight

Amber Kuehn Customer Spotlight Hero Image Kissing Endangered Sea Turtle with GNSS GIS GPS map of nests in background

Customer Spotlight: Amber Kuehn Uses High-Accuracy Maps to Protect Endangered Sea Turtle Nests

The moment Amber Kuehn first laid eyes on a sea turtle, she knew she would be spending her life advocating for them. Dive deeper into this month’s featured case study by learning how Amber uses Eos Arrow GNSS receivers and ArcGIS apps to protect this endangered species.

Get to Know Amber Kuehn >

Upcoming Events

Eos Positioning Systems office headquarters Canada Montreal Quebec

Eos Has a New Address!
February 1, 2022

Eos Positioning Systems is moving this month! We are pleased to announce that our headquarters has moved to a larger office to accommodate meetings and larger production. Our new address is:

1181, rue de l’Express
Terrebonne QC J6W 0A2

You can also still contact our team via our web forms online and by phone.
Contact Eos >