Eos Arrow Customer Successes GPS GNSS GIS


Our success starts and ends with our customers. Each month, Eos feature new stories and customer spotlights to highlight how professionals around the world are taking advantage of submeter and centimeter locations in their mobile mapping workflows. Browse case studies, videos, customer spotlights and more to gain ideas on how external GNSS receivers can help transform work at your organization.

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Wetland Surveys Ireland tracks the health or sickness of Sphagnnum mosses to influence policy, by using Arrow 100 for vegetation management with Collector.
Northumbrian Water surveyed the location of 10,000 merger-acquired water and sewer assets in the UK with the Arrow 100 for utilities and Esri Collector.
Indiana American Water and Esri describe how they drastically reduced as-builting times and improved employee satisfaction with the Arrow 100 and Collector.
Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative responded to an internal request by remapping a substation with Arrow Gold, RTK & Collector.
WaterOne in Kansas revamped its outdated field workflow by switching to Panasonic ToughPads and Arrow 200 for water-asset collection on Esri ArcPad.
Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative and Esri discuss how SSVEC collected over 34,000 substation records in just one month in mountainous Arizona.
California State University-Monterey Bay increased positional accuracy for campus assets with the Arrow 200 for RTK elevation collection on Esri Collector.
Northumbrian Water acquired 10,000 water and sewer assets in Durham, UK. To QA/QC the new data they used Arrow 100 for mapping drains and sewers with Esri.
Le-Ax Water District needed to GPS above-ground assets with a low budget. They used Arrow 100 for rural water data collection with Esri Collector.
Le-Ax Water District and Esri discuss how the Arrow 100 and Esri Collector enabled them to collect high-accuracy asset and attribute data on a budget.
By Jeff Shaner, source: ArcGIS Blog. ArcGIS Collector is adding exciting new capabilities to the next release that let you map your assets (eg hydrants).
Canadian services company Enmapp saved thousands of dollars by switching from legacy GPS to the Arrow 100 for pipeline data collection with TerraGo Edge.