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Vermont Gas Systems Doubles Efficiency with Arrow Gold® Receivers and iPad®s

Vermont Gas 9 Taking a point side of road utility Arrow Gold ArcGIS Collector

Vermont Gas Systems doubled their efficiency by switching to Arrow Gold® GNSS receivers and ArcGIS mobile apps for as-built mapping.

Customer Spotlight: Zac Petix, Sherlock Holmes of GNSS & GIS

Eos customer spotlight GNSS GIS Zac Petix Palmetto Engineering

Zac Petix is VP of Geospatial Services at Palmetto Engineering. Learn how he uses high-accuracy GIS to help clients determine sound solutions.

Customer Spotlight: David Gigliotti Sees Projects Come to Life

Eos customer spotlight GNSS GIS David Gigliotti The DDS Companies

In this Customer Spotlight, we explore David Gigliotti’s use of a GPS system—comprised of Arrow Gold, iPad and ArcGIS—in upstate New York.

Real-Time GNSS Data Collection Drastically Reduces Labor at NY Consultancy

DDS Companies Presentation Feature Image

In this presentation, David Gigliotti of explains how high-accuracy data collection (Arrow Gold® GNSS, ArcGIS) to cut mobile labor costs.

Oakland Co., MI, Maps Underground Utilities with Eos Locate

Feature Image - Eos Locate Case Study

In this recorded Eos Locate case study, Michael Cousins explains how underground mapping (Arrow Gold®, Collector) improved legacy buried-asset records.

Customer Spotlight: Michael Cousins Rides New Geospatial Wave

Eos customer spotlight GNSS GIS Michael Cousins OHM Advisors

In the Nov. 2020 Eos customer spotlight, we feature Michael Cousins who pushes data-collection to new speeds at OHM Advisors in Michigan.

Florida Utility Creates First Digital Twin of Electric Assets

Utilities Commission of New Smyrna Beach Florida Arrow Gold as built updates

NSBU on the Florida coast needed a real-time, easy-to-use high-accuracy data collection system to replace paper redlining.

Customer Spotlight: Mike George takes on the latest technology

Customer Spotlight - Mike George DDSI

Meet our newest Customer Spotlight: Mike George of DDSI! Mike adopted laser offsets with Arrow & ArcGIS Collector, helping increase DDSI’s project margins by 20% per project!

Capturing Hard-to-reach Assets with Decimeter Accuracy

Webinar - Esri AEC DDSI Laser Mapping Feature Image

In this Esri AEC webinar, DDSI Global shares how per-project ROI increased by 20% thanks to the use of Eos Laser Mapping for Collector during site surveys.

Customer Spotlight: Kenny Ratliff Innovates with GIS Workflows

Customer Spotlight: Kenny Ratliff Oldham County Water District Kentucky rural water Arrow Gold

Meet GPS power user Kenny Ratliff, whose work has brought ROI on Oldham County Water District’s GIS investment and improved service to county residents.