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Heritage at Risk: Documenting and Excavating Cultural Sites in Coastal South Carolina — Before They Are Lost Forever

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Feature Image with Eos Arrow GNSS

Learn how the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources uses high-accuracy GNSS to excavate artifacts before they are lost to climate change.

Larry White

I had absolutely no prior experience or training with GIS, so I was surprised how easy it eventually wound up being to adopt mapping software with the Arrow GNSS location accuracy.

Customer Spotlight: Mike Markowski Uncovers Archaeology with High-Accuracy GIS

Mike Markowski Employs High-Accuracy Eos Arrow 100 GNSS receiver for Archaeology

Mike Markowski turns to modern technology to learn about stories of the past. Learn how he uses high-accuracy Arrow 100 GNSS® to uncover archaeology!

Managing the Privatization of East Germany’s State-Owned Lands with ArcGIS Enterprise and High-Accuracy Mobile GIS

East Germany privatized land parcels with Arrow GNSS and Esri ArcGIS

Since Germany reunited in 1990, the BVVG has been dedicated to privatizing lands formerly owned by East Germany. See how their mapping technology has evolved over decades.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada Protects an Endangered Ecosystem

The Nature Conservancy of Canada uses Eos Arrow GNSS Receivers to Protect An Endangered Ecosystem

The Nature Conservancy of Canada uses Eos Arrow GNSS receivers to preserve the endangered Garry oak ecosystems and the many unique species they nourish.

Locating Potential Bat Habitats in Abandoned Mines with GIS

Bat Conservation International Uses Arrow GNSS - Entering Cave with GIS Data Collection Setup (Photo Credit Bill Hatcher)

Bat Conservation International locates bat-friendly habitats with a combination of Esri ArcGIS Apps (e.g., Survey123) and Arrow GNSS receivers.

Christer Andersson

The Arrow 100® is a small GPS unit with a small antenna, it was easy to move in the field, and it got me the results I needed. I chose it because of the advanced technical data it provides and its price

Customer Spotlight: Amber Kuehn Uses High-Accuracy Maps to Protect Endangered Sea Turtle Nests

Amber Kuehn Customer Spotlight Hero Image Kissing Endangered Sea Turtle with GNSS GIS GPS map of nests in background

The moment Amber Kuehn first laid eyes on a sea turtle, she knew she would be spending her life advocating for them. Learn how she uses Arrow GNSS to protect this endangered species.

Sea Turtle Patrol Hilton Head Island Protects Endangered Hatchlings with GIS

Sea Turtle Patrol Hilton Head Island - Sea Turtle Hatchlings on Beach

A nonprofit group in South Carolina uses location-based technology to protect sea turtles, so they can safely hatch and go home to the ocean.

Webinar: High-Accuracy GPS 101: How to Design Your Mobile GIS Data Collection System

Webinar - High-Accuracy GPS 101- How to Design Your Mobile GIS Data Collection System Directions Magazine Palmetto Engineering City of Sarasota Florida COVID response

In this Eos / Directions Magazine webinar, two users of high-accuracy GNSS receivers demonstrate how they implemented and improved high-accuracy data collection.