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Maine Consultancy Captures Water Infrastructure Data

Arrow 100 for Infrastructure Mapping - Northern Forest Eos Success Story, Case Study, Maine, Water Districts

Faced with a retiring workforce, Northern Forest clients began mapping assets. See how one consultancy helps them deploy Arrow 100 GNSS and ArcGIS.

Canada Students Determine the Health of 2,000 Street Trees

Halifax Students Use Arrow 100 for Urban Forestry Project: Uncovering Health & Risks of One Town’s Trees

Students from Dalhousie University used the Arrow 100 for urban forestry. In just one weekend, students mapped over 2,000 trees on personal mobile devices.

Swedish Consultancy Maps Property Lines Under Canopy

MittNorr establishes two fixed points, such as parcel corners, and then validates the resulting line.

Forestry is a major component of the Swedish economy. Landowners must agree on boundaries. See how Arrow 100 GNSS helps, even under dense canopy.

Montreal Increases Pesticide Treatment by 6300% Annually

City of Montreal mapping emerald ash borer invasive species mapping Canada Eos Arrow 100 GNSS receiver Esri ArcGIS Collector Online

To save its iconic forests from the Emerald Ash Borer, Montreal used Arrow 100 for pesticide control with Collector and iPads, switching from manual tools.

Kentucky Water District Cuts Meter Installation Costs in Half

High-Accuracy, Real-Time Data Collection Oldham County Water District OCWD, Kenny Ratliff, utility pipeline mapping water

Using Arrow Gold for rural water data collection helped a Kentucky utility reduce meter-installation cost by 50% on the Esri ArcGIS platform.

Indiana American Water Reduced As-Builts to 7 Days

Indiana American Water Feature Image as builting Esri Eos GNSS ArcGIS

Indiana AmWater, one of the biggest US water utilities, reduce a half-year workflow to one week by deploying Arrow 200 and ArcGIS Collector for as-builts.

Irish Org Helps Save Europe’s Last Remaining Bogs with GNSS

Sheheree Bog, County Kerry, Ireland — This is one of Ireland's last remaining raised bogs that is protected for nature conservation. The ecology of the bog is being monitored as part of a national raised bog monitoring program.

Wetland Surveys Ireland tracks the health or sickness of Sphagnnum mosses to influence policy, by using Arrow 100 for vegetation management with Collector.

U.K.’s Northumbrian Water Maps 10,000 Miles of Assets

Northumbrian Water Arrow 100 UK utility asset mapping GIS

Northumbrian Water surveyed the location of 10,000 merger-acquired water and sewer assets in the UK with the Arrow 100 for utilities and Esri Collector.

Indiana American Water Transforms its As-Built Timeline

Improved data accuracy with Eos Arrow

Indiana American Water and Esri describe how they drastically reduced as-builting times and improved employee satisfaction with the Arrow 100 and Collector.

Rural Az Electric Co-op Collects 600 Assets a Day with Cm Accuracy

Field Crews Use Latest Release of Collector for ArcGIS, Eos Arrow Gold GNSS Receivers, and iPad Minis

Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative responded to an internal request by remapping a substation with Arrow Gold, RTK & Collector.