Eos GNSS frequently asked questions FAQ

How do I upgrade my Arrow Gold receiver to the latest firmware?

Contact Eos technical support to request a copy of the latest firmware. The technical support form online will ask for your Arrow model (e.g., Arrow Gold®) and serial number. Using this we will send you the appropriate files required to complete the following steps.

  1. Download and Unzip the content of the compressed file we send you.
  2. Firmware update. Follow the instructions in the “Using RightArm Utility to Load Firmware” PDF document to update the firmware. The required firmware file mentioned in step 7 is the included: “ArrowGold_MFA_5.9Aa06.bin” (At step 10, leave the Arrow connected to the PC but close RightArm (to release the USB port) and power cycle the receiver.)
  3. Configure the receiver.
    1. Launch Eos Utility for Windows PC. (If not installed yet, download and install Eos Utility)
    2. Select COM port and baud rate (if using Bluetooth, baud rate is irrelevant; for USB default baud rate is 19200)
    3. Select “Quick Config” once receiver is found
    4. From the menu, select “File”/”Load Configuration File” and select the “Config Arrow_LBand_AllConst_20170127” file and click on Open.
    5. In the “Load Configuration File” window that opens wait till the “Status” indicates “Done.”, then Close the window
    6. From the menu, select “File”/”Exit”/”Save Settings + Disconnect”.

Your Arrow receiver firmware is now updated.

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