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Managing a construction site with UAVs, GNSS and web GIS

LaCima web map ArcGIS Online construction GNSS UAV Drone management

See how stakeholders in Texas benefitted from real-time UAV data captured and shared using ArcGIS Drone2Map, ArcGIS Online, and Eos GNSS receivers.

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Women in GNSS

Womens history month GIS GNSS GPS GNSS GIS

For Women’s History Month, join us in celebrating women who make a difference in data collection, emergency response, workflow optimization & more.

Mapping Amache Internment Camp with High Accuracy

Arrow Gold for Ground Control Points: Mapping Amache Internment Camp with Extreme Accuracy for Augmented Reality Experience

Arrow Gold for Ground Control Points: Over 110,000 Japanese Americans were interned in WWII. One man is using GIS, GPS, and AR to make sure we remember.

Veritas prescribes fertilizer with accurate zoning

Veritas uses Arrow 100 for soil sampling. By taking accurate soil samples & processing the results in ArcGIS Pro they provide fertilizer/seed prescriptions.

Veritas provides fertilizer and seed prescriptions by using Arrow 100 for soil sampling and processing the results in ArcGIS Pro. See how they work!

New Zealand Org Tracks Orchards Re-levelling Success

Mapping orchards with Australian-New Zealand SBAS page bloomer associates

A NZ agricultural research team uses Arrow 100 w/ Australian-New Zealand SBAS to get 30cm accuracy among 5m-tall trees. Their work may change orchard ops.

Rural Utilities Get Higher Accuracy Asset Data in Appalachia

Great Lakes RCAP helps utilities in rural Appalaicha map assets with high accuracy using Arrow Gold GNSS and Esri ArcGIS Collector Field Maps

In 2018 Ohio began requiring public water utilities to maintain a detailed AMS. RCAP is simplifying compliance with ArcGIS and Arrow Gold for Asset Management.

Haiti Outreach Improves Potable Water Access with Atlas

Haiti Outreach is tackling a major water problem thanks to mapping and modeling technology, including mWater, EPANET and Arrow Gold with Atlas

Haiti Outreach involves locals in its water mission. They use mWater to prioritize work and Arrow Gold with Atlas to model distribution systems in EPANET.

Seattle Zoo uses Lasers to Build Basemap around Lions

Dann Block maps zoo assets safely from afar using Arrow 100 GNSS and Eos laser mapping for ArcGIS Collector on iOS

Laser Mapping with ArcGIS Collector allows one zoo to create its first basemaps in 120 years with cm accuracy, amid heavy foliage, buildings and animals.

DDSI Increases Profit Margins with GNSS Laser Mapping

DDSI uses Eos Laser Mapping solution with Arrow Gold, LTI TruPulse 200X, and ArcGIS Collector to map mixed utility assets (electric, telco, water) for client projects

Denver’s DDSI maps utilities in tough-to-reach areas with Eos Laser Mapping for ArcGIS Field Maps during construction design phases.

Texas Co-op Improves Customer Service with Futura and Arrow

Arrow Gold for Field Staking: TCEC Improves Customer Service with Real-Time ArcGIS Access via Futura GIS; Eos Positioning Systems case study - TRI COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE TCEC in TEXAS uses Eos Arrow Gold and Arrow 200 for field staking of electric construction sites with Futura Systems' FieldPro staking app on iOS; shown here is part of the TCEC team performing field staking

Real-time access to enterprise ArcGIS via Futura & FieldPro helped TCEC achieve 4-hour as-builting. They used Arrow Gold for field staking GNSS locations.